Plastic Pellets

What is Plastic Pellets used  for ?

Plastic Pellets , made from post-consumer waste are small granulates, used in production processes such as in Blown Film Machines, Injection Machines, Plastic Molding Machines, and other machines that produce plastic films, bottles, containers, bags, and more.

What are the plastic production

Nurdles, the colloquial term for “pre-production plastic pellets”, are the little-known building block for all our plastic products. The tiny beads can be made of polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and other plastics.
What does producing plastic pellets mean?
March 2023) Plastic pellet pollution is a type of marine debris originating from the plastic particles that are universally used to manufacture large-scale plastics. In the context of plastic pollution, these pre-production plastic pellets are commonly known as ‘nurdles’
What is the shelf life of  it?
The pellets are then moulded back into a plastic pallet and delivered to the customer. These pallets are incredibly strong and durable and have full specification and performance characteristics. They conform to the accepted standards of material and H&S Recycled plastic pallets can last around 10 years in normal use.
How do you dry it?
It do not dry instantaneously. They must first be heated to allow the water molecules free movement. Then, there must be sufficient time for the water molecules to defuse to the surface of hygroscopic pellets or for surface moisture to evaporate from the surface of non-hygroscopic materials.
What temperature can it be melted?
Plastic Material Melt & Mould Temperatures Table